Workshop 09May Think Differently Process Transformation Training – An Eight-Hour Virtual Workshop Virtual Workshop
Webinar 19Apr Madam C.J. Walker and Andrew Carnegie in Dialogue: The Past, Present & Future of Race, Gender and Philanthropy
Networking 13Apr Engage Indiana Evansville Old National Events Plaza, 715 Locust Street, Evansville, IN 47708
Workshop 06Apr Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives - Questions, Persuade and Refer (QPR) Training Varying Locations across Indiana
Webinar 24Feb Celebrating Black History: The Spirit of Generosity and the Legacy of Black Philanthropy Webinar
Symposium 31Mar Revival or Decline? American Faith and Philanthropy Face the Future St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 100 W. 86th Street, Indianapolis
Networking 16Mar 2022 Charter School Board Recruitment Event Tinker House Events, 1101 E 16th St, Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Webinar 02Dec Ready, Set, Adapt! A 90-Minute Masterclass for Foundation CEOs on How to Navigate Your Philanthropy in a Shape-Shifting Landscape Webinar
Webinar 11Nov Ready, Set, Adapt! A 90-Minute Masterclass for Foundation CEOs on How to Navigate Your Philanthropy in a Shape-Shifting Landscape Webinar