Reimagining Capacity Building

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 -
2:00pm to 3:30pm EST
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Join GEO as we discuss our latest publication, Reimagining Capacity Building, and explore alongside a grantmaker and nonprofit leader what it looks like to center equity in our capacity building efforts.

Strengthening nonprofit organizations is an essential part of our work as grantmakers to ensure that nonprofits have the resources they need to address today’s most pressing concerns. Indeed, the majority of staffed foundations — 86 percent — do just that, invest in organizational strengthening in areas such as leadership, fundraising, evaluation, communications and technology.

While capacity building is a critical part of our work, traditional models of capacity building do not always account for culture, systems and power in their design, failing to keep equity centered in their approach. GEO’s latest publication, Reimagining Capacity Building, explores principles for centering equity in our capacity building efforts, explores the way inequities can show up and offers steps we can take to address and mitigate those inequities. Join this webinar to learn more about the practices highlighted in this resource, hear from a grantmaker and nonprofit leader on what this looks like in practice and explore how you can apply these concepts to your own capacity building programs.


  • Becky Belcore, NAKASEC
  • Holly Delany Cole, The LeadersTrust
  • Nichole Hoeflich, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

Program Objectives

  • Explore principles for centering equity in capacity building practices.
  • Hear from a peer about embedding equity-centered principles within capacity building practices.
  • Hear from a nonprofit leader about their experience capacity building initiatives and learn what steps you can take to center nonprofits and community leaders in your efforts.
  • Learn ways to mitigate inequitable capacity building practices and explore how to embed these practices into your work.

This webinar is free for GEO members and $50 for nonmembers. To inquire about your membership status or learn more, please reach out to Nichole Hoeflich at


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