Our Role

We represent the collective voice of philanthropy in Indiana.

IPA represents the collective voice of philanthropy in Indiana to policymakers and supports working with government on issues of shared interest. 

IPA serves as a leading voice with policymakers at the state and national levels on regulatory and legislative issues affecting Indiana philanthropy. We believe philanthropy has a unique ability to innovate, incubate, and deliver results. Importantly, philanthropic co-investment and partnership with government leverages private resources to benefit communities in Indiana and beyond.

Contact Maddison Miller (317.630.5200 ext. 102) with questions related to advocacy.

Our advocacy work falls into three areas:

  • Inform members about public policy impacting philanthropy and the nonprofit sector
  • Educate policymakers about the work of foundations
  • Advocate for public policies that promote the health and vitality of the philanthropic sector and its role in building strong communities

Our strategies to deliver this important work are to:

  • Encourage and support foundation engagement in the public policy process
  • Connect foundation leaders with each other, policymakers, and other concerned stakeholders to advance specific policy reforms 


Foundations On The Hill
Day at the Statehouse
Other Upcoming Programs


Explore IPA's public policy resources.