Embracing and Embedding a Trust-Based Culture

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Thursday, March 3, 2022 -
10:00am to 11:30am PST
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Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4D Webinar Series

Session #2: Embracing and Embedding a Trust-Based Culture

Culture is an organization’s general way of being, expressed in organizational norms, assumptions, and behaviors. Given trust-based philanthropy’s values-driven stance on centering relationships and sharing power, nurturing a trust-based culture is essential to making your trust-based philanthropy possible.

In order to nurture a trust-based culture, we must understand our starting point. The majority of institutions operate within a white dominant cultural context, wherein perceptions of trustworthiness and achievement are skewed in favor of those who have had access to – and have assimilated to – white dominant norms. In this default culture, we also tend to prioritize wealth over the communities we serve – as indicated in commonly used phrases such as return on investment, proof of concept, and even program “officer.”  

So how can funders identify – and undo – cultural barriers to trust and equity? And what does it look like to build a trust-based, racially equitable culture that prioritizes honesty, community, creativity, and joy within and beyond your organization? In this session, we’ll hear from leaders that have prioritized culture-building within their organizations, including the strategies they are deploying to foster a sense of connection and collaboration, and what they’re doing to build and sustain trust internally so that they can advance their trust-based goals externally.

Participants can expect to walk away with a clearer understanding of how white dominant culture shows up in our assumptions and norms; and strategies for initiating and deepening a culture of power consciousness, humility, and collaboration.

About the Series

The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, in partnership with the Environmental Grantmakers Association, Blue Sky Funders Forum, and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders, is pleased to announce a four-part webinar series on using trust-based values to guide your philanthropy’s grantmaking practices, culture, structures, and leadership.

Session #1: Using Trust-Based Values to Transform Your Grantmaking | Thursday, February 3, 2022 from 10-11:30AM PT

Session #2: Embracing and Embedding a Trust-Based Culture | Thursday, March 3, 2022 from 10-11:30AM PT

Session #3: Building and Reinforcing Trust-Based Structures | Thursday, March 31, 2022 from 10-11:30AM PT

Session #4: Cultivating Trust-Based Leadership | Thursday, May 5, 2022 from 10-11:30AM PT


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