Partnering is at the root of all we do.
We leverage our community, state and national relationships with other philanthropy-serving organization and those companies/organizations working on behalf of philanthropy. These partnerships provide members with the support and resources they need regardless of geographic scope or issue area. Our growing list of strategic partners includes:

IPA partners with the Council on sector-wide initiatives such as federal public policy and grantmaker salary and benefits research.

IPA and Council on Michigan Foundations (CMF) collaborate on the Midwest Foundation Salary Survey report, as well as the Midwest Webinar Series.
IPA partners with Candid on powerful data tools to visualize Indiana foundation grantmaking efforts.

IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy provides staffing support for IPA's Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute.

IPA partners with the National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) to provide family philanthropy-focused resources and programming.

IPA and Philanthropy Ohio collaborate on the Midwest Foundation Salary Survey report, as well as the Midwest Webinar Series.

Through the United Philanthropy Forum (Forum), IPA, along with over 50 other philanthropy-serving organizations (PSO) across the country, are working together to strengthen the field of philanthropy. The Forum and its PSO members collaborate on programming and resources, including Foundations On The Hill.