Developing Youth Philanthropists
A guidebook to help foundations create engaging youth council programming that builds life skills of young people.
- resource provided by the Forum Network Knowledgebase.
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A guidebook to help foundations create engaging youth council programming that builds life skills of young people.
Elevating student voice has long been an integral part of SYF's mission and the YouthTruth survey meaningfully accelerates the foundation's ability to hear from students directly to inform improvements.
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, Council of Michigan Foundations and Philanthropy Ohio are pleased to provide you the Sustainability Costing Tool. It is our hope that community foundations will use this tool to generate data that will empower them to develop a path toward sustainability
We hope you will choose to be active in celebrating National Philanthropy Day and Community Foundation Week.
Produced as a part of its Grantmakers United for Trans Communities (GUTC) Initiative, this infographic highlights the needs of the more than 1 million trans people in the United States and notes the current scale and scope of funding for trans issues.