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This multi-year, multi-phase collaborative project is designed to provide solid, baseline information about the Indiana nonprofit sector, its composition and structure, its contributions to Indiana, the challenges it is facing, and how these features vary across Indiana communities.
Listing of Indiana Health Coalitions with contact information as of 9/1/16.
These sample disclosure forms ask individuals to list their affiliations with other entities that might potentially affect their independent decision making in order to identify potential conflicts of interest based on an expansive definition of affiliated persons.
Discover the best methods for bringing out leadership in young people and leave with a better understanding of how staff at your organizations can ignite the leadership of youth.
This page contains personnel and employee handbook resources for community foundations.
IPA's GIFT Annual Snapshot Report provides essential information on Indiana’s community foundations to inform the GIFT Technical Assistance Program work, advocate for the sector, and share information with peers.
This page contains Sustainability resources for community foundations.