Accounting Procedures Manual Template
An Accounting Procedures Manual template created by Deborah Cooper and Meredeth Clark of the California and Steve Zimmerman, C.P.A.
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An Accounting Procedures Manual template created by Deborah Cooper and Meredeth Clark of the California and Steve Zimmerman, C.P.A.
See sample documents below containing job descriptions for positions at private foundations and community foundations.
Go here for additional examples.
Find key terms frequently used to describe philanthropy in this glossary developed by the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers.
Produced as a part of its Grantmakers United for Trans Communities (GUTC) Initiative, this infographic highlights the needs of the more than 1 million trans people in the United States and notes the current scale and scope of funding for trans issues.
These sample disclosure forms ask individuals to list their affiliations with other entities that might potentially affect their independent decision making in order to identify potential conflicts of interest based on an expansive definition of affiliated persons.
Sample job descriptions for positions at community foundations.
These models provide examples of advocacy-focused efforts that could have useful implications for funding collaborative communications strategies and infrastructure in grassroots organizing groups.
This brief and funding recommendations considers the implications of the 'public charge' rule and how philanthropy can mount an effective immediate and long-term response.
This toolkit presents easy-to-use resources to help nonprofits and funders take action to advance talent justice. The tools can be used by both nonprofits and funders to increase their investments in talent justice at all stages of the nonprofit career lifecycle.
After more than 15 years promoting grantmaker practices that support nonprofit results, GEO is convinced that a strong culture inside foundations is critical for effective philanthropy. It’s virtually impossible to operate as an ally and partner to nonprofits if you are working inside a foundation whose values and culture run counter to that spirit.
Media Impact Funders partnered with Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy to produce this case study report that surfaces pioneering funding practices in journalism.
This publication is a companion white paper to Mobility & Aging in Rural America: The Role for Innovation: An Introduction for Funders. It examines rural mobility through a lens of technology and across a longer timeframe.
Research shows that one of the greatest impediments to a prosperous future for all of Michigan's people is unequal access to resources. To help foundation leaders and their boards begin essential conversations about marginalized populations and determine the extent to which their organization's culture and grantmaking practices are aligned with a commitment to expanding opportunity in the communities they serve, CMF developed this discussion guide and self-assessment.
Access official tax information and resources for charities and other nonprofits from the Internal Revenue Service.
Developed by the Southern Law Poverty Center, the guide (available in pdf and website formats) provides advice and suggestions for responding to everyday bigotry in a variety of settings-- among family, among friends and neighbors, at work, at school, and in public.
This resource has been designed and assembled by the Macro International evaluation team with the support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as a starter kit to promote the integration of effective evaluation into grantmaker education programs.
A sample conflict of interest form for independent private foundations.
Sample job descriptions for positions at a Corporate Foundation or Corporate Giving Program.
Sample board and committee descriptions, including roles and responsibilities of committee members.
A sample form used by a foundation's board of directors to evaluation the chief executive officer.