Rural Development Hubs & Historic Opportunities for Federal Resources

Host Organization(s): 
Aspen Institute
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 -
1:00pm to 2:30pm EDT
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The past few years have seen the federal government make major economic and community development investments. What does it take for rural communities and regions to take full advantage of this historic opportunity – and what does it take for government agencies to target funding opportunities for the persistently-poor rural communities that need it the most? How are rural development hubs (place-rooted organizations that work regionally to build inclusive wealth, increase local capacity, and create opportunities for equitable prosperity) seizing the moment through collaborative techniques? What can rural communities and regional hub organizations do now to position themselves to be more successful in future rounds of funding?

Join the ROADs partners on April 12 for Seizing the Moment: Rural Development Hubs and the Historic Opportunity for Federal Resources, a ROAD session virtual exchange. Come learn how rural organizations are using federal funding opportunities to build bridges and develop new capacities. Learn the importance of working regionally to maximize community assets and techniques to prepare your organization for securing and administering federal funds. Hear on-the-ground perspectives on how federal resources can lead to greater rural capacity, organizational sustainability, and resiliency, and how federal funds can best support community health and culture at the same time as community-driven economic development.

Session Speakers

  • Roque Barros, CEO, Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation
  • Jael Kampfe, President, Indigenous Impact Co.
  • Eric Swack, CEO, Mountain | Plains CDC
  • Brandon Dennison, CEO, Coalfield Development
  • Marilyn Wrenn, CPO, Coalfield Development

The ROAD Session partners include Aspen CSG, HAC, RCAP, Rural LISC, the Federal Reserve Board, and IEDC.

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