Grantmaking 101
More details and registration link coming soon.
Informing the Context for Philanthropic Work
Grantmaking 101 is a two-day course that helps staff and board members new to philanthropy better understand the sector. This interactive course will present a historical overview of philanthropy, review a foundation's leadership and governance structure, provide an overview of grantmaking practices, explore the various roles within philanthropy, and touch on emerging trends.
Learning Objectives
- The Purpose of Philanthropy: Understand the history of philanthropy and the national and local infrastructure supporting it. Learn how funding practices are related to foundation type, when it was created, and its funding goals.
- The Practice of Philanthropy: Learn effective grant management processes, including accepting proposals, reviewing proposals, making decisions, managing grants, and measuring success.
- The People of Philanthropy: Review a foundation's leadership and governance. Understand how to develop fruitful relationships with stakeholders.