Philanthropy’s Opportunity to Leverage Head Start to Improve Child Well-Being - Webinar

Host Organization(s): 
Early Childhood Funders Collaborative
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The Office of Head Start has announced that there will be competitions for Head Start funding in communities around the country this fall. With $950 million being competed nationally, this the largest effort to improve Head Start services in the history of the program. There are many ways that philanthropy can partner with Head Start, but competitions for new grantees are one pivotal time for public-private partnerships. Philanthropy can convene community partners and stakeholders, ensure that local service providers are supported to submit high-quality applications, and partner for smooth start up and transitions for families a new organization is selected to provide Head Start services. Funders can use this opportunity to work with partners to create high-quality Early Head Start and Head Start models that are integrated into communities’ plans for a coordinated birth to five system. Join ECFC to talk with the Office of Head Start, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and the C.E. and S. Foundation (Louisville, KY) about leveraging this unique opportunity. Registration is open to all.

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Peer Meeting
Grantmaking Peer Community
Virtual Meeting
Peer Meeting
Young Leaders in Philanthropy Peer Community
Virtual Meeting
Legislative Roundtable - Northeast Region
Fort Wayne, IN
Legislative Roundtable - North Central Region
South Bend, IN