June Miller 2019 Nonprofit Workshops

Host Organization(s): 
Thursday, July 11, 2019 -
11:00am to 6:00pm CDT
Rensselaer, Indiana
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Build great volunteer forces in a rural landscape.

The Jasper Newton Foundation is pleased to announce a workshop series that will transform your current board and organization.

These workshops feature June Miller, a nonprofit consultant involved in training, consultation, and facilitation for over 25 years. Miller is a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer, a Certified Training Presenter, holds a Certificate in Fundraising Management from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and has partnered with Indiana Youth Institute as a consultant since 2005. From 2002 through 2017 Miller was the Southern Regional Director of the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network. During that time, she consulted with nonprofit organizations to train over 1200 individuals annually.

These FREE workshops are possible through a grant from Lilly Endowment.

All workshops will be held on Saint Joseph's College Campus in Rensselaer. 

Workshops are open to any of our nonprofit partners, local businesses, and faith-based organizations. Anyone who serves on a Board of Directors (nonprofit, for-profit, faith-based) is welcome to attend. Because there will be refreshments - PLEASE save your seat by July 5th.

Please call the Jasper Newton Foundation for more information at 219-866-5899 or 219-285-5899.

Grantwriting 101-Getting Started

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST
If you have ever wondered what grantmakers are looking for when reading a grant proposal, this workshop is for you. You will learn the basics of how to respond to questions you will find on nearly every grant proposal. We will also discuss where to look for grant opportunities. By attending this 2 hour workshop, you will improve your chances of receiving funding.

The Nonprofit Board of Directors That Works

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST
This workshop reviews the essential responsibilities of every nonprofit board of directors, regardless of mission, size, or location. Participants will leave with a better understanding of what the duties of a board are and with the tools needed to perform these duties. Participants will also understand the foundation for a great working relationship between the lead staff person and the board. This is a great introduction AND review for the seasoned board member.

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