Getting to a National Yes on Health Care: What can EC Funders Learn?
Join ECFC and the Raising Child Care Fund for a discussion with key players in funding and organizing the movement that led the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and preservation of the ACA through multiple attacks to repeal it. What was philanthropy’s role? Can we connect the dots on a broader values-based economic story including child care, paid leave, an economy that works for everyone? What can funders learn from the health care story to rise to this moment for families?
- Gara LaMarche, President, Democracy Alliance; former President and CEO of the Atlantic Philanthropies
- Richard Kirsch, Director of Our Story – The Hub for American Narratives; former National Campaign Manager for Health Care for America Now (HCAN)
- Margarida Jorge, Executive Director, HCAN & HCAN Education Fund (HCANEF)
Moderated by Barbara Chow, Director, Education - Heising-Simons Foundation
All funders and philanthropic organizations are welcome to join us.