Effective and Engaging Virtual Board Meetings

Host Organization(s): 
Boardable/The National Bank of Indianapolis
Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 12:00pm EDT
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Learn everything you need to know about virtual meetings in this free webinar to have an engaged and efficient board–no matter where board members are!

Most organizations have been faced with holding at least one virtual board or committee meeting thus far. And we recognize that virtual meetings may be our reality for some time to come. So, how do you plan for and host an effective virtual board meeting? Please join us on May 7, 2020 at 12:00 Noon (EDT) for our free webinar to learn everything you need to know about virtual meetings and having an engaged and efficient board–no matter where board members are! 

  • Elements of every good virtual meeting and how to account for the unique needs of virtual attendance
  • Ways to keep all board members engaged during the meeting, wherever they are
  • Meeting planning and agenda tips to maximize the format of virtual meetings
  • Thoughts on how to increase productivity between meetings with remote attendees


Our webinar will be hosted by subject matter experts, Kim Donahue and Caroline Hoy.  During her 30+ years in the nonprofit sector, Kim Donahue has facilitated more than 1,000 workshops and planning sessions for nonprofit organizations including sessions on board development, grant writing, program outcomes, and leadership skills for board and staff. 

As the content manager at Boardable, a software platform that facilitates nonprofit meetings and everything around them, Caroline Hoy conducts webinars monthly on informative topics for nonprofits. Prior to Boardable, she was the executive director of a local nonprofit and has served as a volunteer and board member for multiple organizations.

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