Community Collaboration Initiative

Thursday, February 18, 2021 -
12:00pm to 4:00pm CST
Virtual Workshop
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The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy has joined with others to facilitate the Community Collaboration Initiative (CCI), an effort to bring together Muslim American nonprofit organizations that are working within the same sector so that they can collaborate to solve a common problem. The CCI recognizes the lack of fact-based information and systemic barriers that prevent Muslim American nonprofit organizations from acquiring an equitable opportunity in building relationships and acquiring funding. This initiative aligns with the school’s goal to foster an expanded and more inclusive philanthropic sector.

As part of this initiative, a committee of leaders—including representatives from McCormick Foundation, Forefront, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Interfaith Youth Core, and others—gathered together to plan Muslims in America: A Learning Launch for the Philanthropic Community. This virtual learning event was created to foster a deeper understanding of Muslim communities, the nuances of funding, and specific issues these communities face. 

Goals of this learning event are:

  • To build upon our collective power to open up pathways to foundational giving for Muslim American non-profit organizations serving in the contiguous United States
  • To utilize social capital to bring about change in perspectives with foundation leaders.
  • To identify individuals and foundations that would benefit from the Learning Launch and provide a connection to them throughout 2021 and beyond
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IPA Member Orientation
Peer Meeting
North Program Officers Peer Community
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County | 305 S. Michigan St, South Bend, IN 46601
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