2021 Environmental Grantmakers Association Fall Retreat

Host Organization(s): 
Environmental Grantmakers Association
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 (All day) to Thursday, October 7, 2021 (All day)
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Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) presents the Fall Retreat this October 5th to 7th as a hybrid event experience. They will create a welcoming opportunity to participate in a completely virtual event, with opportunities to gather regionally for dispersed, in-person meetups in proximity to EGA members’ foundation offices across the country.

The agenda will include topics and themes connected to movements on the ground, and the local and regional action in the US and the Global South as we reflect on the history of our evolution towards liberation. The work of care and repair is only just beginning, and we are planning to journey in our conversation, exploration, and activity into the work of racial equity, and what it demands in restorative measures. EGA looks forward to connecting the themes of the Fall Retreat to their national conversation on race, the environment, and fights for representation.

The virtual event will offer place-based interactivity and the chance to meet with new and familiar colleagues in creative ways. While we will meet in-person as a full community in Montgomery in 2023, this year we will follow the path of the Great Migration from the Southeast as we deepen our learning on the racial history of our nation and build strategies for generative action, at the intersection of the environmental movement and the movement for justice.

Go here to learn more.

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Peer Meeting
Finance Peer Community
Virtual Meeting
Advanced Finance Deep Dive
Greenwood, IN
Member Call
Luminaries: Conversation with Indiana Health Commissioner Dr. Lindsay Weaver
Virtual Meeting
Working with Grieving Donors
Virtual + Recording