Indiana Bar Foundation Provides Free Lesson Plans for Educators Teaching Sixth Grade Civics Course

For Indiana educators prepping to teach the new required semester of sixth-grade civics, the Indiana Bar Foundation has released a comprehensive series of resources to provide ready-to-use academic standard-aligned classroom materials.
Educators across the state have free access to a package of lessons, resources, graphic organizers, and presentations aligned to state standards to teach the sixth-grade civics course. The new resources are rooted in the Foundation’s flagship “We the People: the Citizen and the Constitution” curriculum. Developed by the Foundation and Hoosier educators, the new materials include standard-specific lesson plans, reading selections, student activities, PowerPoint presentations, and other elements beneficial to classroom civics instruction.
Teachers will log on to the materials via the Foundation’s website, where they will find the resources organized by Indiana Academic Standard.
“The Foundation is proud to be a leader and partner in providing teachers and school communities with ready-to-use sixth-grade civics lesson plans and related teaching materials. This is the first semester of the middle school civics class, and we want to do all we can to provide teachers and their students with relevant and quality information,” said Charles Dunlap, Indiana Bar Foundation President & CEO.
With a mission-driven commitment to civic education, the Foundation will add these new materials to its existing resources and programs, including We the People, Indiana Mock Trial, and Indiana Kids Election.
Educators having questions concerning sixth-grade civics resources should contact Foundation Director of Civic Education Tim Kalgreen.