News and Insights

IPA News
Community AGEnda Initiative Enters Third Year with $1.49M Grant from Pfizer Foundation
October 29, 2014
General News
New Forum Partnership with Foundation Center Will Deliver Data, Research, and Tools
October 06, 2014
General News
New Coalition Aims to Support Lifelong Indiana Communities
September 26, 2014
IPA News
Call for IPA Board Nominations
September 17, 2014
General News
Ask Senators Coats and Donnelly to Support H.R. 4719
August 14, 2014
Member News
Lilly Endowment Announces New Phase of GIFT Initiative for Community Foundations
July 18, 2014
IPA News
Senator Randy Head and Lilly Endowment Inc. Receive Awards at IPA Statewide Conference
June 17, 2014
General News
Permanent IRA Rollover Bill Introduced in House
May 21, 2014
IPA News
New Report on Foundation Giving in Indiana
May 01, 2014
Member News
3 Questions for Gene D'Adamo
April 25, 2014
General News
New Research on Community Foundation Donor Satisfaction
April 22, 2014
IPA News
Registration Open for Statewide Conference
April 16, 2014
General News
56% of American Nonprofits Can't Meet Demand for Services
April 08, 2014
IPA News
New IPA Website
March 27, 2014
IPA News
Celebrating Community Foundations: 100 Years in America, 98 Years in Indiana
February 25, 2014
General News
Rep. Smith awarded Public Policy Champion of Philanthropy of the Year
November 18, 2013
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