IPA Blog

IPA Blog
IPA Members Build Authentic Relationships Through Trust
July 14, 2021
IPA Blog
GIFT Community Foundation Q&A
July 07, 2021
IPA Blog
First Dues Update in Eight Years Supports Increased Member Engagement
July 06, 2021
IPA Blog
Digital Fundraising
July 01, 2021
IPA Blog
Juneteenth: A Day for Recognition
June 18, 2021
IPA Blog
Philanthropy Comes to the Table on Racial Equity
May 28, 2021
IPA Blog
Hancock County Community Foundation CEO Mary Gibble Shares Local Outreach Efforts for ARPA
May 17, 2021
IPA Blog
What Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute Taught Me About Making an Impact
May 12, 2021
IPA Blog
Redistricting and Census Updates & Next Steps
May 06, 2021
IPA Blog
IPA Joins National Peers for Virtual Meetings on Capitol Hill
April 26, 2021
