IPA Blog

IPA Blog
First 2023 Mutz Session Answers 'Why Philanthropy?'
March 03, 2023
IPA Blog
Are You Data Informed?
October 12, 2022
IPA Blog
Conference Recap: Award Winners & Local Journalism Funding Match
October 07, 2022
IPA Blog
IPA's New Office Location
October 07, 2022
IPA Blog
Data-Informed Philanthropy: Turning Data to Dollars
September 16, 2022
IPA Blog
Mutz Class Learns the Value of Inclusive Leadership
September 03, 2022
IPA Blog
Good News & Good Views in July Mutz Class
July 21, 2022
IPA Blog
Importance of Journalism & Storytelling Examined in Mutz Session
July 13, 2022
IPA Blog
It's Time for Community Foundations to Complete the CF Insights Survey
June 20, 2022
IPA Blog
IPA Takes Action on Member Feedback
June 16, 2022
