Can’t Change What You Can’t See

As the social sector grapples with improving its record on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the question of what exactly the record shows about philanthropy’s reach into specific communities emerges. After all, how can we work toward a more equitable sector if we don’t have a starting point of data to use as a benchmark to track progress and inform our impact? What demographic data are available to answer this question, and how can funders and grantees alike more diligently track and share this information? Join this peer-learning session to learn about field-wide collaborative efforts to strengthen the systems and tools for effectively collecting demographic data. Whether you are new to the conversation or in deep, come lend your voice and advance your own practice by learning how your organization can better align with the field.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about field-wide collaborative efforts to strengthen the systems and tools to effectively collect and analyze demographic data.
  • See how your data is centralized, structured, and visualized at Candid.
  • Learn about the myths, barriers, and resistance that keep grantmakers and nonprofits from collecting and acting on this information and how legitimate challenges with collecting this data are being solved.
  • Learn about specific tools to help streamline demographic data collection while reducing the burden on nonprofits.
Date & Time: 
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 -
3:30pm to 4:45pm EDT
IPA Member Orientation
Peer Meeting
North Program Officers Peer Community
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County | 305 S. Michigan St, South Bend, IN 46601
Navigating Across Generations at Work
Virtual + Recording
Virtual Watch Party: Federal Budget & Tax Outlook