Board Governance
This webinar highlights foundation board and executive challenges and discusses board development levers most related to stronger board and foundation performance.
This webinar highlights foundation board and executive challenges and discusses board development levers most related to stronger board and foundation performance.
In this webinar you'll learn how you can implement effective management practices to plan for successful succession, transition, and onboarding of new staff at all levels of your organization.
After more than 15 years promoting grantmaker practices that support nonprofit results, GEO is convinced that a strong culture inside foundations is critical for effective philanthropy. It’s virtually impossible to operate as an ally and partner to nonprofits if you are working inside a foundation whose values and culture run counter to that spirit.
Sample board and committee descriptions, including roles and responsibilities of committee members.
A sample form used by a foundation's board of directors to evaluation the chief executive officer.
Sample bylaws for Community Foundations.
Sample conflict of interest policies for Community Foundations.
The heightened focus on nonprofit accountability in recent years has spurred calls for foundations and public charities to have adequate policies and procedures in place to ensure sound governance. One such policy that has become a recommended best practice for the sector is a whistleblower protection policy, yet most nonprofits still don’t have one. Here are some basic issues to consider when developing a whistleblower protection policy for your grantmaking organization.