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Resources to support support youth workers and mentors in the philanthropic field during this global crisis.
Compilation of potential funding sources for nonprofits and other grantseekers.
These organizations may provide additional research, resources, toolkits, and ideas to guide and assist with youth philanthropy work.
A resource page for foundations of all types with Youth Philanthropy Councils to promote and raise the awareness of youth philanthropy.
IPA offers guidance on effective youth philanthropy by providing consultation, resources, and learning opportunities for adults and youth.
As the social sector grapples with improving its record on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the question of what exactly the record shows about philanthropy’s reach into specific communities emerges. After all, how can we work toward a more equitable sector if we don’t have a starting point of data to use as a benchmark to track progress and inform our impact? What demographic data are available to answer this question, and how can funders and grantees alike more diligently track and share this information?
There is a swelling movement in the philanthropic field to move from being donor-driven to being community impact-driven. In this session, attendees will review the major entry points to impact investing. Hear about local impact investing as an extension of broader community development and how it can help root wealth in communities. Explore stories of peers taking action to invest in their communities. Consider your organization’s “readiness” to move toward local investing for impact.
All foundations can advocate by educating lawmakers on issues of importance to philanthropy, but there’s still uncertainty regarding the nuances and details that distinguish advocacy from lobbying. Hear from national partners as they share issues from the field in the ever-changing policy landscape. Learn how to support and strategize around initiatives that are most important to your community by exploring some of the tools of advocacy through the work of your peers.
Featuring staff from the Greater Houston Community Foundation and William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation, this webinar shares ways to engage youth along their philanthropic journey.