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Hear from program leaders and youth on how they have recruited diverse youth and created opportunities to engage and stay involved with them.
Community Foundation of Grant County and Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust share information about scholarships and ways they partner with schools to provide special outreach and support to students.
Research shows that one of the greatest impediments to a prosperous future for all of Michigan's people is unequal access to resources. To help foundation leaders and their boards begin essential conversations about marginalized populations and determine the extent to which their organization's culture and grantmaking practices are aligned with a commitment to expanding opportunity in the communities they serve, CMF developed this discussion guide and self-assessment.
These sample disclosure forms ask individuals to list their affiliations with other entities that might potentially affect their independent decision making in order to identify potential conflicts of interest based on an expansive definition of affiliated persons.
Explore how you can inspire youth to share their time, talent, and treasure within your communities. Participants will find out how to inspire personal youth giving, learn group consensus activities, and hear about impactful youth grantmaking.
Participants will leave the webinar with the framework to create an idea for a service learning project that can relate to academic learning, as well as be given online resources for service-learning project ideas.
See sample documents below containing job descriptions for positions at private foundations and community foundations.
Go here for additional examples.
Sample job descriptions for positions at a Corporate Foundation or Corporate Giving Program.