Report: Indiana Public Health System Review
Researchers at the Fairbanks School of Public Health have examined the current state of Indiana’s public health system in a report, “Indiana Public Health System Review.”
Researchers at the Fairbanks School of Public Health have examined the current state of Indiana’s public health system in a report, “Indiana Public Health System Review.”
Results from IPA's 2020 survey of Indiana community foundations that promote youth philanthropy through a youth council or school-based grantmaking program.
A resource page for foundations of all types with Youth Philanthropy Councils to promote and raise the awareness of youth philanthropy.
Compilation of potential funding sources for nonprofits and other grantseekers.
This directory lists the Indiana Community Foundations whom currently have a youth philanthropy program.
Too many foundation board and staff members may think of sustainable investing and ESG as simply a matter of “checking a box.” However, the field has progressed far beyond the exclusion of companies that produce objectionable products like alcohol, tobacco, and gambling.
After more than 15 years promoting grantmaker practices that support nonprofit results, GEO is convinced that a strong culture inside foundations is critical for effective philanthropy. It’s virtually impossible to operate as an ally and partner to nonprofits if you are working inside a foundation whose values and culture run counter to that spirit.
This report provides inspirational and practical examples on how business can engage in deeper, more impactful corporate community investment.
Media Impact Funders partnered with Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy to produce this case study report that surfaces pioneering funding practices in journalism.
This publication is a companion white paper to Mobility & Aging in Rural America: The Role for Innovation: An Introduction for Funders. It examines rural mobility through a lens of technology and across a longer timeframe.