Public Policy Champion of Philanthropy Award

In order to be successful, the philanthropic sector must engage with our elected officials and government staff, leveraging each other’s strengths to improve our communities. Luckily in Indiana, we understand this collaboration, and work with government partners as much as possible.

The Public Policy Champion of Philanthropy Award is our sector’s opportunity to thank those officials who have been our biggest supporters. The award honors and recognizes an Indiana publicly elected official or appointed official who has shown outstanding support and/or promotion of Indiana philanthropy and charitable giving.

Who is Eligible?

  • An elected or appointed official (local, state, federal) in Indiana whose service (current or previous) has been in a legislative or administrative capacity
  • Someone who is–or has been–an exemplary leader over time in the public support of issues important to the advancement and/or support of Indiana philanthropy
  • Someone with the highest standards of integrity

Past recipients include Indiana State Representative Mike Karickhoff, State Representative Craig Snow, State Senator David Long, U.S. Senator Dan Coats, State Senator Randy Head, and State Representative Milo Smith. 

A completed nomination form that demonstrates the nominee’s support for Indiana’s philanthropic community is required. IPA’s Public Policy Committee screens all nominations and submits its recommendation (s) to the IPA Board of Directors for approval.

Call for Nominations

Download the nomination form.