Resilient Philanthropy: An Agile Cohort for Nonprofit Capacity Building

Host Organization(s): 
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT
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Join us as Foundant Client - Kristen Beal Watson of Kern County Community Foundation and Chris Staib - Business Agility Coach discuss Agile Philanthropy after 10 months of practice. One of Kern Community Foundation's nonprofit stakeholders will round out our panel to share their experiences in this agile cohort, what they’ve learned, and how this collaborative process will inform their steps moving forward.

You’ll hear and see:

  • How they approached this project, what informed their decision-making, and what they put in place to get started.
  • What the work has looked like to date.
  • How Kern anticipates leveraging this work moving forward.
  • What practices and mindsets discovered through this process will be carried forward.
  • Successes and lessons learned.
  • What this model might look like in other regions and advice from the cohort.


Kristen Beall Watson is President and CEO of Kern Community Foundation – an organization committed to Growing Community. Growing Philanthropy. Originally from Southern California, Kristen proudly calls Kern County her home and has spent more than 35 years developing leadership experience in a unique combination of public and private accounting, education, and philanthropy. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, a master’s degree in Education from Point Loma Nazarene University, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCLA.

Chris Staib is the founder and CEO of Agile Slopes. He has spent the last 15+ years guiding organizational transformation to business agility, while strengthening people and teams by influencing mindset and shaping team thought models. He is passionate about people. He enjoys helping them to visualize and accomplish growth and improvement. When an individual is lifted the team and the organization is lifted. Chris grew up in Alexandria, Virginia and home is now Salt Lake City, Utah. He enjoys spending time in the outdoors with his family and continuously learning, improving, and growing.

Sammie Holzwarth has been with Foundant (since 2011) and has taken on many roles in her path to becoming the Product Manager for GLM/SLM. Starting as an intern with Foundant’s Marketing Team, Sammie then moved into a Client Success Manager role - successfully implementing well over 150 clients. Her Foundant adventure next took her to the Sales Team as Foundant’s GLM/SLM Product Implementation Engineer. 


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