Mission Investing Institute: Arts and the Creative Economy

Host Organization(s): 
Grantmakers in the Arts
Thursday, April 7, 2022 (All day) to Friday, April 8, 2022 (All day)
Virtual Workshop
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Mission Investors Exchange, Grantmakers in the Arts, and Upstart Co-Lab are excited to host the Mission Investing Institute: Arts and the Creative Economy, a two-day, virtual impact investing training specifically focused on the arts and the creative economy. The Institute will consist of two, 3-hour sessions on April 7 and 8, 2022, with an optional, introductory impact investment training on April 6th.
Designed for senior foundation staff working in arts and creativity, and finance or investment professionals at endowed cultural institutions, the Institute is intended to help foundations leverage their endowments to amplify their arts programs and activate cultural institutions as values-aligned investors. Institute participants will walk away with the following, and more:

  • An overview of the impact investing landscape, including commonly used tools and terms
  • Strategies for measuring and managing impact
  • Concrete examples of structuring, sourcing, diligence
  • An understanding of how organizations are incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion goals into investments
  • Ideas for applying impact investing concepts in the context of arts, design, culture, and creativity — and lessons from existing investments
  • New connections and networks to support the development of your impact investing programs

Please note: Participation is reserved for senior staff at foundations supporting art, design, culture, heritage, and creativity and finance or investment professionals at cultural institutions (e.g. museum, library, performing arts center, park, zoo) with endowments of $5 million or more.
The cost to attend the Institute is $350 per person. In order to register, please complete this short form by March 31 to confirm your eligibility, and MIE will contact you with next steps within 2 business days. Please contact Dan Goldberg if you have any questions or if you would like to attend the Institute but are unable to do so without financial support.

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Peer Meeting
Finance Peer Community
Virtual Meeting
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