Diverse Philanthropy in Times of Change
One of the key findings from the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy’s recent report Everyday Donors of Color: Diverse Philanthropy in Times of Change highlights the importance of focusing on strategic diversity, equity and inclusion in organizations.
Central Indiana members recently received an invitation from Indiana Philanthropy Alliance to participate in the dissemination of a survey that will assist the school with taking a deeper dive into nonprofit board composition, engagement, and leadership in the area. The work will serve as a foundation for expanding diverse philanthropy across the state.
Nonprofit leaders, board members, executive directors, and CEOs have the ability to pave the way for their organizations to attract donations from diverse donors. Organizations who deepen their awareness of changing ethnic identities, gender, and race are better equipped to engage communities from which they are seeking funds.
To learn more about the survey and this work, contact lsilotto@inphilanthropy.org.