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Ask Senators Coats and Donnelly to Support H.R. 4719

Thursday, August 14, 2014
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Indiana Philanthropy Alliance is reaching out to Senators Dan Coats and Joe Donnelly to let them know about the short window of opportunity to significantly increase charitable giving before the end of the 113th Congress. The House of Representatives passed the America Gives More Act of 2014 (H.R. 4719) on July 17. The Senate must now take action for the bill to become law.

Your voice will add to the call from Independent Sector, the National Council of Nonprofits, the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers and the Council of Foundations. Contact Senator Coats and Senator Donnelly before they go back to Washington, D.C. on September 5. Ask them to support the America Gives More Act (H.R. 4719) and to urge Senate Majority Leader Reid to schedule a vote on the bill when the Senate reconvenes

Talking Points
The America Gives More Act includes five provisions that are crucial to the philanthropic community:

  • Permanently reinstating the IRA charitable rollover
  • Simplifying the excise tax to one percent for private foundations' investment income
  • Permanently reinstating the enhanced deduction for donating land conservation easements
  • Permanently reinstating the enhanced deduction for donating food inventory
  • Extending the deadline for claiming charitable donations on the previous year’s tax filing through April 15

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marissa Manlove or Jack Cole.

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