About Us

Generosity, empowered. Humanity, lifted.

IPA is the largest network serving philanthropy in Indiana. We are a community of foundations, companies, and other social investors working together to lead change, increase impact, and improve outcomes for Hoosiers.

As a nonprofit membership association (also referred to as a philanthropy serving organization, or PSO) of and for Indiana's grantmaking community, IPA connects members to what they need to grow their impact by providing networking, educational, advocacy, and technical support.

Through investing in the state’s charitable organizations, convening local leaders, collaborating on critical issues, seeking innovative solutions, sharing knowledge, and advocating; we leverage our collective voice to increase the impact of Indiana philanthropy. 

IPA supports grantmakers in all 92 Indiana counties. Collectively, Indiana’s over 1,200 foundations award more than $5 billion in grants each year. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to champion, support, and connect members as we transform Indiana through effective philanthropy. 

What We Do

CHAMPION  |  We offer guidance and opportunities to engage in policy and advocacy with a strong, unified voice at the state and federal level.

SUPPORT  |  Our members access training and resources to guide them in effective philanthropic practices.

CONNECT  |  Our networking events help members build relationships with other community leaders and impact-minded professionals.

Our Vision

As a recognized leader, Indiana has a collaborative and effective philanthropic sector that makes a positive difference in the lives of people and their communities.

Our Values


Our History

In November 1983, Lieutenant Governor John Mutz and Alan Shusterman, executive director of the Indiana Humanities Council, convened representatives from more than 70 foundations and corporate giving programs in Indianapolis to discuss the future of the state’s philanthropic sector. Based on the success of that first meeting, the planning committee agreed to continue holding the event and formed a steering committee to complete the task. That group called itself Indiana Donors Alliance (IDA). After several years of growing interest and participation in collaborative conversations, IDA was incorporated in 1990. As we hired staff, elected trustees, and recruited members, we grew into the full-service membership association now doing business as Indiana Philanthropy Alliance.

Indiana Philanthropy Alliance Foundation (IPAF)

IPAF is a Type I Supporting Organization to Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of the Alliance, its goals and its functions.