IPA Blog

IPA CEO Claudia Cummings' Message to Members

Tuesday, January 29, 2019
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Throughout my life, I have dedicated my career to the service of others, hyper-focused on strong outcomes by providing pathways to high-quality careers to youth and adults, access to markets for small businesses, tools to neighborhoods to fight crime, and so much other mission-driven work.   

Indiana Philanthropy Alliance (IPA) is a natural extension of my career, as it provides a broad opportunity to improve the lives of Hoosiers by walking alongside our members to support you in fulfilling your missions. IPA is more than an expert provider of professional development and trusted source for breaking news relevant to the sector. IPA is the nexus of the philanthropic community—a place where members can collaborate to enrich Indiana. Together we are stronger. Together we grow our impact. Together we make Indiana even better.

Help me plan IPA’s next era to ensure it is an even greater force for good. Over my first 100 days at IPA, I will talk with at least 100 diverse stakeholders from across the state to gain a 360-degree view of the organization. My goal—our goal together—is to position Indiana’s philanthropic sector for its greatest success. Please send me an email if you would like to talk.    

I could not be more excited to be the leader of Indiana’s premier organization supporting the philanthropic sector. Our future is bright, and together we will continue to move IPA forward.


Claudia Cummings
President and CEO
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance

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