IPA News

New Knowledgebase resources for members

Monday, August 7, 2017
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Indiana Philanthropy Alliance has added the following new resources to our Knowledgebase!

Nonprofit Technology Resource

Advocacy Funder Collaboratives

State Profiles: The Economic Value and Impact of the Charitable Community

Philanthropic Paths: An Exploratory Study of the Career Pathways of Professionals of Color in Philanthropy

The Resilient Organization: Disaster Planning and Recovery Guide

Evaluating Community Change: A Framework for Grantmakers

Philanthropy and the Renewal of Democracy

Peer to Peer: At the Heart of Influencing More Effective Philanthropy

Benchmarking Foundation Evaluation Practices

Search the KB here.


About the Knowledgebase (KB)
IPA Knowledgebase (KB) is a shared archive that will house over 1,000 resources for grantmakers provided by the United Philanthropy Forum and its members. Resources include documents, links, reports, sample materials, job positions, and more that are fully indexed and easily searchable. Drawing from the best of our network, which represents over 7,000 grantmaking entities nationally, this collective archive harnesses the knowledge of the top philanthropic leaders and practitioners. IPA is busy adding resources to the KB and we plan to feature KB resources in our future monthly newsletters. KB resources are integrated into our sitewide and resource search.

You can learn more about the KB vetting process on the Forum's website. If you wish to submit a resource to be shared with the KB, please send your resource to info@inphilanthropy.org.

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