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Welborn Baptist Foundation CEO/ED announces plans to retire

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Mr. Kevin Bain, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Welborn Baptist Foundation, has announced his plans to retire from the Foundation effective January 4, 2019. Mr. Bain has served as CEO/ED for the past ten years, succeeding the Foundation’s first leader, the late Mrs. Marjorie Z. Soyugenc.

Under Mr. Bain’s leadership, the Foundation has undergone a major transformation, including more focused community impact areas for grant-making and a heightened emphasis on sustainability for all nonprofits serving the Tri-State area. Along with these external initiatives, Mr. Bain also led efforts to refine the Foundation’s vision, mission, and core values – embedding those into all Foundation activities.

Mr. John C. Schroeder, Chairman of the Welborn Foundation Board, commented, “Kevin Bain has been an exceptional leader of the Welborn Foundation. We have been very fortunate to have Kevin as our CEO for the past ten years. He has narrowed the focus of our grants, so the Welborn Foundation is in a position to concentrate on areas aligned with our mission and to accomplish our goal of making a long-term difference in the Tri State area.”

During Mr. Bain’s tenure, three key areas have received particular attention: deepening grantee relationships; assessing grant effectiveness; and transforming the nonprofit landscape through education. Over the last several years, grant processes were improved to provide better understanding - both by Welborn, and those seeking grants. Mr. Bain also increased the Foundation’s emphasis on evaluating grant impact, for ongoing program improvement. Finally, Mr. Bain oversaw the development of comprehensive training and technical assistance opportunities for nonprofit organizations, regardless of the audience they serve.

“The Board and staff of Welborn Baptist Foundation have been the key to our success, and will continue to be key in the future,” said Mr. Bain. “Their insights and diligence have made our transformation possible and will ensure our ongoing growth and impact.”

For many years, Mr. Bain was an active member of the local Early Childhood Development Coalition, which ultimately led to the formation of the Business Leaders’ Roundtable for Early Childhood Development. Welborn is both a founding member and contributor.

Mr. Bain was also appointed by then-Governor Mike Pence as the first Chairman of Indiana’s Early Learning Advisory Committee. He served in that role from 2013-2017, defining the Committee’s roles and responsibilities, as well as designing the volunteer workgroup-based infrastructure that supported the Committee’s work.

The Welborn Foundation Board of Directors is in the process of searching for Mr. Bain’s successor as CEO/ED.

About Welborn Baptist Foundation
The Welborn Baptist Foundation is a private foundation created in 1999 focused on Early Learning, Healthy Eating and Active Living, Christ-Centered Living, and Nonprofit Excellence. Since its inception, the Foundation has provided over $60 million to nonprofits in Southwestern Indiana, Southeastern Illinois, and Western Kentucky. Learn more about the Welborn Baptist Foundation at

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