IPA Blog

Mass Shooting in Orlando: Resources and Networks for Action

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Indiana Philanthropy Alliance (IPA) is committed to helping our members and Indiana's funding community connect to the networks and resources it needs to respond when tragedy strikes. One way we do this is by informing, supporting, and educating our members so they may expand their impact.

Like you, we are reeling from the tragic news that a gunman in Orlando, Florida, opened fire at the Pulse nightclub leaving 49 people dead and over 50 injured according to preliminary reports. In the coming weeks, we will continue to update this page as we learn more about ways to help. 
Are you a funder taking action to help Orlando or to prevent the next tragedy? Let us know by emailing news@inphilanthropy.org.

Funder Networks Assembling Information and Resources to Respond:

Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Florida Philanthropic Network

Resources for IPA members on disaster response

Lessons From Roseburg: The Ford Family FoundationThe Ford Family Foundation in Roseburg, Oregon has been a key leader in the response to the mass shooting that took place in Roseburg on October 1, 2015, at the Umpqua Community College.  Below are some resources from the foundation about what they’ve learned:

How a Foundation Can Help: Unusual Circumstances Require an Unusual Philanthropic Response

The First 72 Hours: Taking Action


Recent/Upcoming Webinars 

On June 22, IPA members were invited to the National Teleconference for Funders: Response to Orlando Shooting, which was co-hosted by the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, Funders for LGBTQ Issues, Change Philanthropy, AAPIP, ABFE, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Hispanics in Philanthropy, Native Americans in Philanthropy and Women’s Funding Network. You can download a recording of the teleconference here.

There will be two additional teleconferences on responding to the Orlando shooting (dates TBA soon).  On a second call we’ll hear from groups that have been working on the front lines in Orlando to respond to the shooting.  On a third call we’ll focus on long-term needs and responses. 

For additional questions, please contact Mary O’Neill (202-457-8784) or Courtney Moore (202-888-7428) on the Forum team.

Possibilities for Donors Looking to Make Contributions:

Better Together Fund was established by the Central Florida Foundation in Orlando to help the city respond to the needs of the community – not only those we know but those we cannot anticipate – now, and in the time to come.  The fund will support: Nonprofits that are supporting the survivors and families; the LGBTQ, Hispanic, faith and other affected communities; underlying causes of this tragic event; and other needs we cannot anticipate until we face them.
OneOrlando Fund was established by the City of Orlando, and the fund will provide support to the victims of the Pulse tragedy and their families.
Pulse Victims FundEquality Florida is collecting contributions via a GoFundMe page to support every single victim of the Orlando shooting.  This includes victims’ families, survivors, and those in the club who may not have suffered physical injury but in need of support.  Equality Florida is working with the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) to distribute the contributions via NCVC’s National Compassion Fund.

The Center, an LGBT advocacy group that is providing a crisis hotline (407-227-1446) and grief counselors for people in the Orlando area, also set up a GoFundMe page.

The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Central Florida is working to support the local queer community through counseling and support in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

Muslims United for Victims of Pulse Shooting. American Muslim leaders called on members of their community who are fasting during the holy month of Ramadan to break their fast if needed in order to donate blood. And, Muslim community members in Florida have launched a fundraising campaign to support the shooting victims and their families.

Our Fund Foundation, a community foundation whose mission is to support South Florida’s LGBTQ agencies, is collecting tax-deductible donations. 100% of the tax-deductible funds raised through Our Fund will be donated to the nonprofits in Orlando supporting survivors and victims' families and friends and their efforts to restore peace, joy and wellness to Orlando's LGBTQ community.

The Florida Disaster Fund will help provide financial support to organizations that serve survivors, their families, and all those in need. 

The Red Cross is also accepting donations toward the response in Orlando. Donate at 800-733-2767 or redcross.org.


As more information emerges, you can follow these Twitter accounts for ways to help:

Florida Philanthropic Network @flphilanthropy
Central Florida Foundation @cffound
Equality Florida @EqualityFL
Heart of Florida United Way @hfuw
City of Orlando @citybeautiful

Know of another resource we should add to this page?  Let us know by emailing news@inphilanthropy.org.


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