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The Next Chapter for IPA Youth Philanthropy Partner Network

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
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IPA's Youth Philanthropy Partner Network, created in 2004 for youth-serving organizations, has found a new home with Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY). 

Under the leadership of MCCOY's Manager of Youth Outreach, Empowerment, and Engagement, IPA's Youth Philanthropy Partner Network will continue to advance youth philanthropy throughout the state.

MCCOY is a catalyst for the positive development of youth. They help Indiana communities empower young people to be successful by joining in a comprehensive, collaborative, and community-wide effort. The mission at MCCOY is to make sure children are well, and what better way to know than through the voices of young people sharing their truths and partners willing to listen.

John Brandon, president of MCCOY shared, "MCCOY has been a member of YPII for a number of years and has enjoyed the networking and the learning opportunities being a part of the group. It has been a valuable way to stay in touch with organizations that are leading the way for youth philanthropy.”

“When we were approached by the leadership of the Indiana Philanthropy Alliance about taking on this coordinating role, we were honored to be entrusted to carry on this work of elevating the important role of young people as philanthropists and trustees of our communities,” added Brandon. “We look forward to working with our Network partners to continue to expand opportunities for youth engagement and empowerment.”

MCCOY is eager to engage with and involve even more agencies and individualswho are focused upon and committed to supporting youth philanthropy and philanthropists. If they would like more information on becoming a member of the Youth Philanthropy Partner Network, contact John at john.brandon@mccoyouth.org. Learn more about MCCOY at mccoyouth.org.

Many funders have come to rely on IPA’s service, support, and resources for engaging youth in philanthropy. IPA will continue to provide the same technical assistance and professional development opportunities to Indiana’s community foundation youth councils and general IPA membership in this area. 

Additionally, IPA is thrilled to announce the Youth Philanthropy Peer Community. While the Youth Philanthropy Partner Network is a network of youth-serving community organizations, nonprofits, and individuals who may or may not be IPA members, the Youth Philanthropy Peer Community is open to all IPA members looking to connect and explore topics on youth leadership and development, philanthropic opportunities for youth, youth grantmaking, and more. 

If you have any questions on joining this new peer community or finding youth philanthropy resources within IPA, please contact IPA Program Associate Julie Markland at jmarkland@inphilanthropy.org


History of IPA Youth Philanthropy Partner Network

With a goal of fostering Indiana’s next generation of philanthropists, a small group of people engaged in youth development came together in 2001 to found the Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana (YPII). YPII (pronounced Yippee) continued to grow through steadfast fundraising and a handful of funders motivated by introducing philanthropy to more young people.

In 2004, YPII grew to include thirty youth-serving organizations and developed the Youth Philanthropy Partner Network. This provided an opportunity to share ideas and opportunities among creative, energetic, and motivated partners. 

Formed with the mutual goal of promoting youth philanthropy, the network also promoted the great work of youth-serving organizations across the state of Indiana while providing an innovative opportunity for professional development. The strength of this statewide collaborative was rooted in the Partner Network's dedication to advancing youth philanthropy throughout Indiana.

In 2019, the original goal of the YPII founders to foster Indiana’s next generation of philanthropists became a core area of practice for IPA. Youth philanthropy was officially part of IPA’s mission to champion philanthropy and the YPII brand and identity were discontinued. IPA’s Director of Learning Jill Gordon and Program Associate Julie Markland have continued to support youth philanthropy technical assistance, programming, and communications under the IPA name.

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