Member Spotlight: Rich Haddad, K21 Health Foundation

Rich is the President and CEO of K21 Health Foundation. Hear why Rich's background in finance is a "bullseye" for his current work and what he thinks is the most exciting thing happening in philanthropy.
How’d you get started in this work?
I have a finance and investment background, but had started working in the nonprofit sector a few years prior. It was literally a phone call one evening from a K21 board member that said the prior President was retiring soon and would I be willing to talk.
What’s kept you there?
A private foundation essentially does 2 things: invest well, and give money away well. I am motivated by maximizing the resources that we are entrusted with (whether in life or profession) so this role is a bullseye in that regard.
What’s the most exciting thing happening in your sector?
Well I would bend the question to say in our community. There is an acceleration of community leaders and partners working together, supporting each other, and hopefully soon, driving a shared strategic future together. Fun stuff!
What’s your favorite on-screen guilty pleasure?
Historically, it’s probably been James Bond. He gets to behave in a way that we are not allowed to (nor should we!)
Who/What inspires you?
I am inspired by those that have such a clear vision and passion that they sell out on pursuing “that thing”. I love to come alongside a person (or organization) like that and offer any way I can help them realize that vision.
Where are you on the introvert/extrovert scale?
Ha! I’d say I’m a highly functioning introvert. I enjoy both presenting in public and interacting with peers and other networking opportunities, but when it comes to re-energizing I seek some peace and quiet!
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
It’s easier to come up with something that I can’t control. I wish I was 4 inches taller and two steps faster. I might have had a much longer opportunity to enjoy my love of basketball when I was younger!
Contact Rich
Do you have questions for Rich or ideas for collaboration? You can contact him using our Member Directory.
About K21 Health Foundation
K21 Health Foundation is a private foundation that focuses on opportunities to improve health and wellness for the citizens of Kosciusko County. This focus has its roots from the origin of the assets of the foundation being from the non-profit hospital that was established in 1967. The sale of this hospital did not end the intent of the original donors.
About IPA's Member Spotlight Series
Follow IPA's Member Spotlight Series to connect with your peers in philanthropy and find opportunities for collaboration. Blogs are written by members who share their personality, purpose, and passion for philanthropy. If you would like to be featured, contact Lissa Silotto.