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Latest Releases from the field - November 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018
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Below is a list of recently released resources from throughout the philanthropic sector.

Giving in Numbers: 2018 Edition
CECP: The CEO Force for Good
Giving in Numbers: 2018 Edition is based on data from 252 companies. This report not only presents a profile of corporate philanthropy and employee engagement, but also includes a trends summary that highlights the prominent features of corporate societal investment. 

Understanding & Sharing What Works: The State of Foundation Practice
The Center for Effective Philanthropy
This report is based on data from surveys and in-depth interviews with private and community foundation leaders regarding what they know about what is and isn’t working in their foundations’ efforts to achieve their goals.The data in this report can help foundation leaders determine the best methods for learning from their work and deciding what to be open about.

Why Early Childhood Matters: Early Brain Development Presentation
Indiana Early Learning Advisory Committee

This presentation helps community leaders understand the importance of early brain development and how a child's experiences in the first five years can build either a strong or weak foundation for future learning, health and life success. 

Nonprofit Works: Latest Bureau of Labor Statistics Data on Nonprofit Employment and Wages
John Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies

This interactive database offers a full set of data on 2016 nonprofit employment, wages, and establishments in states and counties throughout the U.S. This information will help you document the enormous scale and dynamism of this sector, show that nonprofits contribute significantly to local tax revenues, demonstrate the competitive wages that nonprofits offer in their fields, and spot key trends potentially threatening the nonprofit role.

2018 Donor-Advised Fund Report
National Philanthropic Trust

This report examines 2013 through 2017 fiscal year data from 1,002 charities. For the eighth consecutive year, there was growth in all key metrics—number of individual donor-advised funds, total grant dollars from them, total contributions to them and total charitable assets in them.

Ramping Up Your Foundation: Key Considerations for Planning and Managing a Significant Increase in Giving
Exponent Philanthropy and The Philanthropic Initiative
Have you been trying to make a change with your philanthropy but aren’t seeing the impact you’ve been hoping to achieve? Dig into this toolkit to identify obstacles that are impeding your ability to reach the next level of impact.

New Research Released on U.S. Foundation Funding for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Infrastructure
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Foundation Center
We are part of a complex ecosystem of organizations working to enable, strengthen, and evolve the work of philanthropy, nonprofits, and civil society around the world. A new framework has been developed to map the composition of and support for this ecosystem so we can better align and improve efforts. This study spans twelve years and analyzes 21,148 infrastructure-related grants made by 881 funders to 511 organizations over that period.

Census of Community Foundations for 2016
Community Foundation Research and Training Institute

This census summarizes three years of asset levels, gifts received, and grants distributed for all US-based community foundations. It found there are 866 community foundations in the US.

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