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Indiana Celebrates Philanthropy Day

Friday, November 13, 2020
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Governor Eric Holcomb addresses philanthropy at IPA 30th anniversary conference

Governor Eric Holcomb has proclaimed November 15, 2020, Philanthropy Day in Indiana. Indiana Philanthropy Alliance joins in celebrating the contributions of individuals, foundations and businesses throughout Indiana in support of the social sector in this time of tremendous need.

“During this COVID-19 health emergency, our philanthropy partners have stepped up to serve our most vulnerable Hoosiers,” shared Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb during IPA’s 30th anniversary gathering in June. “We are in this together, and the partnership between government, the private sector and philanthropy continues to help people in every corner of our state.”


The nonprofit sector, which accounts for the nation’s third largest workforce, has been affected by the global pandemic in different ways. Nonprofits are faced with shutdowns and limited fundraising options. At the same time, there is a surge in social service requests due to rising unemployment, food insecurity and homelessness, as well as an increased need for childcare, medical care and mental health services.

“During this season of giving and as we approach Giving Tuesday on December 1, I urge all Hoosiers to join the philanthropic community,” says IPA CEO Claudia Cummings. “Whether it’s helping a neighbor, showing up for people or issues we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.”

Former President Ronald Reagan was the first world leader to declare an official Philanthropy Day in 1986, to celebrate ‘the love of humankind.’ This day coincides with National Philanthropy Month and Community Foundation Week (Nov. 12-18).

“Indiana has a rich history of philanthropy and we celebrate that it continues during this unprecedented year, creating a sense of hope and profound recovery for so many,” said Cummings. “I marvel at the resolve and stamina demonstrated by IPA’s members who, after nine months, continue to fuel so much of the crisis response and recovery across each of Indiana’s 92 counties.” 

Indiana has over 1,200 corporate, family, private, community and other foundations who gave over $2.2 billion in support of social causes in 2018. These foundations bring people together, evaluate problems and solutions, and call attention to urgent issues. Top giving priorities by Indiana foundations include education, community and economic development, human services, health, religion and nonprofit management.

“The work of philanthropy and foundations spans beyond the practice of giving. There is a tangible impact that can be seen in the lives of those these selfless organizations serve,” said Cummings. “Indiana Philanthropy Alliance is more determined than ever to bring our community partners together to find innovative solutions for some of our most challenging social problems to benefit all Hoosiers.”


PHOTO CAPTION: The Porter County Community Foundation, in collaboration with Porter County 4-H, Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry and Sims Meat Processing, donated 1,500 lbs. of meat to the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana which was distributed to local food pantries.

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