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Harrison County Community Foundation Funds Mobile Solution for Community Assistance

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Harrison County Community Foundation recently awarded a total of $128,436 in grants to nonprofits, including Harrison County Community Services (HCCS), Purdue Extension, and Align Southern Indiana. 

HCCS, which has been providing services to the most vulnerable in the community for the last 45 years, will use the funds to establish a mobile office. The Mobile Office will benefit county residents by providing food and direct assistance (utilities, rent, prescriptions, help paying for GED testing, etc.) to clients, in their own communities. HCCS believes the mobile solution can expand its reach into the community and significantly impact Harrison County residents.

“While this particular project has been in the works for about a year, we have actually been dreaming of this day for four to five years. We have tried several times to obtain and fund different kinds of vehicles to help us reach further into the community--to meet people where they live; to try and help them and their families meet their basic needs. To say that we are excited to finally bring this project to life is an understatement!” said Richard Cooper, Executive Director, Harrison County Community Services, Inc.

Purdue Extension in Harrison County is creating a Rainscape Garden in the parking lot at the Government Center to provide demonstration gardens for adult and youth educational programs. Participants will receive hands-on training for native habitats to be used to create landscapes at their own homes.  

Align Southern Indiana (ASI) is a collective impact organization bringing five counties in Southern Indiana-Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, and Washington-together to achieve agreed long-term outcomes for the region resulting in transformational change. ASI supports various programs here in Harrison County, such as kindergarten readiness, trails, and addiction prevention. 

In addition to the grants mentioned above, HCCF also awarded grants to Arts Alliance of Southern Indiana to purchase art supplies for the community and Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana. “We are honored the Harrison County Community Foundation has awarded Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana a grant to serve 350 students in Harrison County schools with Junior Achievement’s financial literacy, work-readiness, and entrepreneurship programs,” said Debra H. Hoffer, President of Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana.

Harrison County Community Foundation has also created a COVID Needs Grant Application that is available at This grant application relates to programmatic expenses, and questions within the application are specific to COVID-19 issues. HCCF aims to help our community’s vital non-profits continue to provide necessary services during this pandemic. 


Harrison County Community Foundation (HCCF) was founded in 1996 by the Harrison County Commissioners, with an initial donation from Caesars Southern Indiana. HCCF’s mission is to inspire and assist everyone to experience philanthropy, producing positive and sustainable growth in Harrison County. To date, HCCF has awarded over $105 million in grants, scholarships, and other support to Harrison County non-profits and residents. For more information about HCCF’s grants and policies, visit, or contact Anna Curts, Grants Manager, at 812-738-6668 or

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