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Grant County Community Foundation COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants

Friday, March 27, 2020
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The Community Foundation of Grant County has believed in our mission to connect people, resources, and causes to promote sustainable impact towards the betterment of Grant County for 35 years. This uneasy time facing a global pandemic is no different. As we undergo a Governor-ordered stay-at-home quarantine mandate to flatten the curve, our social service organizations are working tirelessly to assist communities that are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

The Give To Grant Community Impact Fund: It’s because of uncertain times like this that we created our GIVE TO GRANT COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND many years ago. This Fund provides flexible financial support to trusted nonprofit partners across Grant County who are responding to critical needs. The Fund also allows the Community Foundation Board to be nimble in their response to addressing our community’s most pressing and emerging needs, specifically with organizations working with our most vulnerable citizens. We need to recognize that our social service organizations have direct knowledge of these everchanging critical issues, while also maintaining strong relationships with the citizens they serve. Therefore, with respect to this on-the-ground understanding of the ramifications of COVID-19, we will rely on our trusted nonprofit partners to communicate to us the best way we can be of help. As needs are communicated, it will be of utmost importance for us to provide funding to these organizations rapidly.

Rapid Response Grantmaking: To expedite our regular granting procedures in this evolving situation, our Board of Directors has chosen to distribute awards from the GIVE TO GRANT COMMUNITY IMPACT FUND utilizing a method called “rapid response grantmaking”.

Our COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants will sustain and develop vital community services for residents who stand to lose the most from the unfolding emergency. This is why the ability to rapidly provide flexible resources to nonprofit organizations who are working on the frontlines, engaging and supporting individuals impacted by COVID-19 and the broader ramifications of this health crisis, will be paramount.

Priorities: Initial priority will be given to help fund frontline human services organizations that have deep roots in the community and strong experience working with vulnerable populations. Our rapid response grantmaking will address gaps in services and increase capacity of organizations to meet basic needs of individuals and families. These grants will address the needs of Grant County’s most vulnerable individuals who have been exacerbated due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The main purpose in activating our rapid response grantmaking procedures is to support the emerging needs of our nonprofits, which include, but are not limited to, food access, homelessness, medical services, and emergency childcare. Once the state of emergency has expired, any remaining funds will support nonprofit organizations impacted financially as a result of program disruptions or cancellations resulting in revenue loss.

COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants for the Week of March 23rd: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants will provide immediate relief to nonprofit organizations in Grant County who are facing increased demand for services from clients as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. We anticipate providing this rapid type of grantmaking on an ongoing basis throughout the outbreak and recovery phases of the crisis and will adapt our strategy accordingly. Award announcements will be made via email and press release each Tuesday, beginning now through April 14th, as long as grant dollars remain available. This week we distributed $47,000 in grants electronically via ACH as a way to make the funding accessible immediately. COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants from the Community Foundation’s Give To Grant Community Impact Fund were made on March 24th to the following organizations: Family Service Society, Carey Services, Project Leadership, Second Harvest Food Bank, and the Grant County Rescue Mission.

Donate Online: We’re tapping into the strength of collective giving to alleviate the public health and economic consequences of the coronavirus in Grant County. The Community Foundation of Grant County has committed to contributing $100,000 to the Give To Grant Community Impact Fund—this amount is in addition to the original $47,000 granted yesterday. Donors who would like to join us in helping our local nonprofits get through this pandemic can contribute to the Give To Grant Community Impact Fund online at this website: Donations are tax-deductible, can be made in any amount, and will also be accepted if mailed to the Community Foundation at 505 West Third Street, Marion, IN 46952—write IMPACT in the memo line. All donations to the Give To Grant Community Impact Fund will provide flexible resources to address Grant County’s most pressing issues at this time by heeding the advice of the nonprofits providing direct services to those most in need.

COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Simple Application: To move resources quickly, we have opened a simple, rolling application process from now through April 14th. Funds may be requested for up to $10,000. Grant amounts will be determined by funding availability. In addition to the $47,000 granted yesterday, the Community Foundation of Grant County has committed an additional $100,000 to this cause, and any additional donations received from Grant County donors will be added to this to be utilized for grantmaking. Awards will be assessed based on need and may be used for both service delivery and operations essential to emergency response and viability. To apply for a Rapid Response Grant from the Give To Grant Community Impact Fund, 501c3 organizations working with communities in Grant County who are disproportionately impacted socially or economically by the coronavirus outbreak can access the COVID-19 Rapid Response Simple Grant Application on our website at:

COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Timeline: COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Recipients will be announced via email and press release on Tuesdays—March 31st, April 7th, and April 14th. This grant opportunity will be extended if additional community donations to the fund afford us the opportunity to lengthen the grantmaking period.

Final Grant Report: Final grant use and expenditure reports will mirror those of our regular grantmaking cycles and will be required at a later date to allow our nonprofit partners to dedicate their time to their frontline clients during this time of hardship.

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