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Everyone Wins When Everyone’s IN

Saturday, October 2, 2021
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[Indianapolis, In  Oct. 1, 2021] — WTI Coalition and local teams across Indiana today announce participation in the Disability Employment Awareness Month, an annual awareness campaign that takes place each October.  Work to Include, a statewide disability led coalition has designed a campaign specifically for Indiana to educate about disability employment and celebrate the many and varied contributions of Hoosiers with disabilities. This year's theme is "Everyone Wins when Everyone’s IN” 

Some of the important facts about disability employment include:
Indiana Statistics: 

  • According to the US Census Bureau, American Community Survey (2014), there are 463,300 working age Hoosiers with disabilities. Of that number, less than 40% (36.9) were employed during the 2014 American Community Survey. 
  • Indiana ranks 26th in the country when it comes to employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. This is well below the top five states with employment rates over 50%. 
  • Over 66% of adults with disabilities who are not working, are looking for employment.
  • During an unprecedented worker shortage, approximately 200,000 talented Hoosiers with disabilities are being overlooked.

AND Disability Employment Inclusion Works. Here are the PROVEN benefits to businesses:

  • Higher Profits: Companies have 2x higher net income than peers without disability inclusion initiatives.
  • Lower Turnover: Employers report a significant reduction, half of other employees.
  • Customer Relations: Consumers prefer businesses that hire.
  • Better Employee Culture: There is a demonstrated positive impact on retention of existing employees.
  • Creativity and Problem Solving: Employees with disabilities bring a new perspective.
  • AND: Preference in federal government contracting, A larger Talent Pool, and Tax and other financial incentives.

In a recent video Indiana State Senator Shelli Yoder and Tom Morris, Assistant Athletic Director discuss the importance and value of disability employment initiatives.  With the current labor shortages, no talent can be left out.  Watch the video here: For the latest information on the campaign and for employer resources, visit website.

Work to Include is a statewide disability-led coalition created to educate about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of Hoosiers with disabilities. Funding is provided by the Indiana Governor’s Council for people with disabilities. For more information, contact: Susan Rinne,, 812-322-5197
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