Member News

Connect Grant County Community Resource Directory Launch

Friday, March 20, 2020

Connect Grant County is an online tool used to access the resources and caring power of our community; all in one easy-to-use directory. Organizations manage their own information to ensure it remains accurate and available to the community.

With unpredictable times like this, while things are literally changing by the hour as a result of COVID-19, it helps to know that we’re all in this together. The directory allows community members to find local and surrounding resources; quality childcare providers, housing assistance programs, local food pantries, affordable family-friendly community events, and so much more, any time of day. Additionally, organizations manage their own accounts which allows information to be kept up-to-date.

While the most pressing needs of our community have become ever more prevalent, this directory provides a condensed listing of our local non-profit partners who are serving our people on the fringes—that number and group continues to grow for multiple reasons. So, while this directory is up-to-date, each organization’s hours of operation and service capabilities may have changed in recent days. Please contact them via their phone number, websites, or social media for the most accurate details during this time.

The directory allows community members access to local and surrounding resources to find quality childcare providers, connect with housing assistance programs, find local food pantries, find affordable family-friendly community events, connect with before and after-school programs, and so much more, any time of day. 

The Basic Needs Working Group of Thriving Families, Thriving Grant County partnered with the United Way of Grant County and the Community Foundation of Grant County to provide a hyper resourcing database. The aim is to breakdown silos and unite the community with local agencies and available resources. 

Clients and organizations can find and share resources quickly by visiting

Thriving Families, Thriving Grant County: 
Thriving Families, Thriving Grant County is a Collective Impact process that enables Grant County community members to address complex social issues through cross-sector participation within the three networks of Community Development, Family Well-Being, and Talent Pipeline. 

Collective Impact is a process that enables communities to address complex social issues such as education, poverty, and health. As the name implies, it takes the collective effort of community stakeholders to make an impact on such problems. “Collective Impact” is not just another name for “collaboration,”  it requires communities to meet these five specific conditions for achieving success: a common agenda, shared measurements, collaborative action, continuous communication, and backbone support. It provides missing ingredients that often cause efforts at collaboration to fail. 

Working Groups focus on achieving results that no single entity can achieve alone. They work intentionally and collaboratively to “move the needle” on shared key indicators and overarching outcomes. Ideally, Working Groups consist of representatives from all sectors (social, public, or private) relevant to their specific group. Working Groups become learning groups by sharing and discovering research, finding the best practices, and by conducting and learning from experiments of promising strategies before endeavoring to bring them to scale. The use of data for decision making and for tracking improvement is critical.  

Simon Solutions: 
Connect Grant County is a product of Simon Solutions called a Community Resource Directory. The Simon Solutions Team is made up of innovative software developers and community impact specialists. They are a mission-driven (not profit-driven) team with great passion for serving others. 

The online resource directory will connect neighbors, churches, charities, businesses, elected officials, and others to come together and increase communication, cooperation, and the resourcefulness of our community.

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