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Community Grants Totaling $1 Million Awarded

Thursday, February 20, 2025
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The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County awarded $1,004,500 in Community Grants this week.

Community Grants provide nonprofit organizations serving Muncie and Delaware County the opportunity to apply for funding to support their work. Grants are awarded to address the broad needs of Muncie and Delaware County in arts and culture, community betterment, economic development, education, and human services. 

Organizations interested in applying for funding are encouraged to connect with the Foundation's Program and Nonprofit Relations team. Through these conversations, Foundation staff and volunteers develop a deeper understanding of the needs within the community, identify resources and support beyond grantmaking, and provide nonprofits more time to focus on their mission work. 

Community Grants are announced quarterly. The Board of Directors of The Community Foundation approved 19 Community Grants totaling $1,004,500 during the first quarter of 2025.

8twelve Coalition received $35,000 to support the cost of operations and resident activities. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Stefan and Joan Anderson Unrestricted Fund, Gordon and Pam Cox Fund, and the John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Endowment Fund.

A Better Way Services received $65,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant is the second year of a three-year commitment totaling $195,000. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Bassett Family Fund, Maxon Foundation Fund, Jon and Barbara Moll Fund, Jay and Karen Moorman Fund, Ontario Systems-Wil Davis and Ron Fauquher Fund, Jim and Mary Rosema Fund, Hamer and Phyllis Shafer Fund, and the Gary and Amy Thomas Fund.

Ball State University Foundation received $100,000 for the performing arts center. This grant is the second year of a six-year commitment totaling $500,000. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund, Bassett Family Fund, Laura Sursa Crampton Family Fund, Beulah M. Frogge Fund, Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund, and Mutual Legacy Fund.

Boys and Girls Clubs of Muncie received $80,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Esther Ball Fund, Bassett Family Fund, Maxon Foundation Fund, MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund, Mutual Legacy Fund, Morris Youth Fund, and Mary Jane Sursa Fund.

Brothers 2 Brothers United received $25,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant was funded from the Mutual Legacy Fund.

Cornerstone Center for the Arts, Inc. received $50,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, The Endowment for the Arts Fund, Jeanne and John Smith Unrestricted Fund, David and Mary Jane Sursa Fund, Mary Jane Sursa Fund, and Faye Wingate Fund.

Daleville Salem Township Fire Territory received $3,500 to provide four individuals with Emergency Medical Services Primary Instructors certification to train EMTs across Delaware County. This grant was funded by the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation. 

Pathstone Corporation received $20,000 to support homeownership initiatives, like assisting Scott and Leah, pictured, purchase a home through the Homebuyer Acquisition Rehab Program (HARP). 

Economic Development Alliance received $100,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation and Mutual Legacy Fund.

Greater Muncie, IN Habitat for Humanity, Inc. received $75,000 to support the cost of operations, 2025 housing program, and neighborhood revitalization in the Industry Neighborhood. This grant is the second year of a two-year commitment totaling $175,000. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Pat and Jane Botts Fund, Francis Lafferty Fund, Maxon Foundation Fund, MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund, Jeanne and John Smith Unrestricted Fund, and Steven and Barbara Smith Fund. Habitat for Humanity also received $6,000 to purchase a new point of sale and volunteer management system. This grant was funded from the Mutual Legacy Fund. 

Home Savers of Delaware County received $20,000 for 2025 urgent home repairs. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Alpha Center Fund, Jack and Thelma Peckinpaugh Fund, Mary Kate Pingry Fund, Anna Winick Schwartz Memorial Fund, and Martin D. and Helen B. Schwartz Unrestricted Named Endowment Fund.

Muncie Land Bank received $20,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation and Ball Corporation Community Betterment Fund.

Pathstone Corporation received $20,000 to support homeownership initiatives. This grant was funded from the Stefan and Joan Anderson Unrestricted Fund, Gordon and Pam Cox Fund, John and Katherine Littler Fund, Mid-West Metal Products Fund, and Faye Wingate Fund.

Ross Community Center, Inc. received $50,000 to support the cost of operations. This grant was funded from the Beard-Branscum Fund, Jeff and Sue Bird Fund, Jane Harrell Buckles Fund, Morris Youth Fund, MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund, Mutual Legacy Fund, James Updike and Munjot Sahu Family Fund, Joseph and Janet Wilson Unrestricted Endowment Fund, and Youth as Resources Fund.

Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Inc. received $25,000 to support the cost of operations for Delaware County initiatives. This grant was funded from the Louisa and Waldo Beebe Unrestricted Endowment Fund, Muncie Power Products Community Impact Fund, and Jeanne and John Smith Fund. 

The Facing Project received $10,000 to support “Facing Middletown: Exploring Muncie Narratives 100 Years After the Lynds.” This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Beulah M. Frogge Fund, Historical Preservation Fund, and Mac and Lila Warrell Endowment Fund.

United Day Care Center received $95,000 to add three additional classrooms to its existing building. This grant is the first year of a two-year commitment totaling $190,000. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Bassett Family Fund, Gordon and Pam Cox Fund, Laura Stanley Keppler Fund, Harry and Janet Kitselman Fund, Jeff and Beth Lang Fund, Mutual Legacy Fund, Shafer/Muncie Power Products Legacy Fund, and Wayne E. and Carolyn K. Thomas Fund.

Whitely Community Council received $50,000 to support the development of the Centennial Resource Hub. This grant is the first year of a five-year commitment totaling $250,000. This grant was funded from the Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund, John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Endowment Fund, and Mutual Legacy Fund.

YMCA of Muncie received $75,000 for the construction of a new facility. This was the third annual grant of a five-year commitment totaling $500,000. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Louisa and Waldo Beebe Unrestricted Endowment Fund, William and Margaret Dutton Fund, Economic Development Fund, John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Endowment Fund, Hamer and Phyllis Shafer Fund, and David and Mary Jane Sursa Fund.

YWCA Central Indiana received $100,000 to support the YWCA Emergency Shelter Program. This grant is the first year of a three-year commitment totaling $150,000. This grant was funded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation, Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund, Edgar Faulkner Sr./Ermal S. Roundtree Fund, John and Janice Fisher Unrestricted Endowment Fund, Linda and Connie Gregory Fund, Mutual Legacy Fund, Jeanne and John Smith Fund, and Daniel and Catharine Stewart Fund.

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