Clinton County Community Foundation Awards $1.2 Million to Nonprofits and Students in 2024

The Clinton County Community Foundation is proud to announce that it awarded $1,250,842.88 to local nonprofits and students in 2024, demonstrating its continued commitment to enhancing the quality of life in Clinton County.
"This significant investment in our community reflects the generosity of our donors and the vital role the Foundation plays in supporting local initiatives," said Gene Marshall, Chair of the Clinton County Community Foundation Services Committee. "We're honored to facilitate this level of grantmaking, which will have a lasting impact on our nonprofits, students, and the broader community."
The funds were distributed through various grant programs and scholarships, supporting a wide range of community needs and educational pursuits. Examples of grants made in 2024 include:
Grants from Unrestricted Community Endowment Funds - These flexible funds allow donors to entrust the Foundation with selecting programs that address evolving community challenges through a competitive grant process.
- $16,250 to Michigantown Youth League for field restoration
- $100,000 to Clinton Co. Economic Advancement Foundation for Iron Block Engagement Center
- $55,000 to the Town of Rossville for park playground equipment, an ADA accessible playground, and walking trail expansion improvements
- $150,000 to Clinton Co. Boys & Girls Club for new site growth
- And many more…
Grants from Designated/Agency Funds - Designated funds provide consistent financial support for specific organizations identified by donors.
- $19,765 to CORE Community Center from William J. and R. Jean Beard Endowment Fund
- $9,850 to Clinton Co. Contractual Public Library from Mulberry Community Library Endowment Fund
- $2,938 to Healthy Communities of Clinton County from Healthy Communities of Clinton County Fund
- And many more…
Additional grants were awarded through Field of Interest Funds, Donor Advised Funds, and Scholarship Funds aimed at advancing education and addressing targeted community priorities.
For more information about how you can contribute to building a brighter future for Clinton County or learn about our grant opportunities, visit or contact us at 765-454-7298.