Member News
AWS Foundation Announces $1,093,384 in Grants
Friday, December 8, 2023

AWS Foundation recently awarded $1,093,384 in grants to 14 non-profit organizations that benefit building inclusive communities for individuals with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities in northeast Indiana. These organizations include:
- A Rosie Place for Children - $75,000 over three years for expansion of respite services for medically fragile children.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana - $20,000 for Littles without Limits training for staff and volunteers.
- Bridge of Grace Compassionate Ministries Center - $150,000 over three years for the Early Years Academy.
- Carey Services - $45,000 for Phase 2 of their Life Success Coach program.
- Community Transportation Network - $200,000 for medical and work trips for people with disabilities.
- Fort Wayne Park Foundation - $15,000 for an accessibility study at the Botanical Conservatory; $215,000 over three years for playground accessibility upgrades.
- GiGi’s Playhouse Fort Wayne - $31,000 for a universal design kitchen remodel.
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater Fort Wayne - $25,000 for universal design upgrades to homes.
- Indiana Legal Services - $75,000 for the PLAID project.
- Ivy Tech Foundation - $30,471 to pilot a Think College postsecondary program.
- Lafayette Meadows Elementary School - $25,000 to support an adaptive playground.
- League for the Blind & Disabled - $45,000 for capacity building of organizational structure and leadership development.
- Mustard Seed Furniture Bank - $75,000 over three years for the home furnishings distribution program for people with disabilities.
- Parkview Boys & Girls Clubs of Huntington County - $66,913 for a sensory room and a family restroom.
About AWS Foundation
Founded in 2007, AWS Foundation supports a wide range of organizations and service agencies in northeast Indiana working to develop a community in which people with enduring intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities are engaged fully and meaningfully in all aspects of community life. For more information, visit