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Announcing the John M. Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute

Thursday, June 25, 2020
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Indiana Philanthropy Alliance is growing the legacy of former Indiana Lieutenant Governor and past Lilly Endowment Inc. president John M. Mutz with the launch of the Mutz Philanthropic Leadership Institute. This cohort-style learning experience will transform the philanthropic sector by developing a talent pipeline of diverse leaders who are well-prepared to serve in board and executive roles at foundations and corporations in communities across Indiana, bringing new ideas and fresh perspectives to the field.

“For emerging and aspiring leaders in philanthropy, as I was more than a decade ago, the wisdom, practical advice, and example that John offered gave me the skills I needed to succeed,” said Jamie Merisotis, CEO of Lumina Foundation.

The Mutz Institute was born from an Indiana Philanthropy Alliance statewide listening tour and strategic visioning process. The philanthropy community clearly requested a deeper talent bench, more diversity, and education programs to ensure excellence in the field. 

“Today, a new generation of leaders is urgently needed. They need to be identified, nurtured, and deployed—making a difference in their communities, their organizations, and in our state. The Mutz Institute will serve as a pipeline for the transformational philanthropic leaders Indiana needs now and in coming times,” said Merisotis.

“2020 is IPA’s 30th anniversary year. The launch of this program allows us to honor IPA founder, John Mutz, while preparing philanthropy in Indiana for the future. This is a perfect way to celebrate,” said Claudia Cummings, president and CEO of Indiana Philanthropy Alliance.

While serving as Lt. Governor, Mutz convened the first meeting of statewide philanthropic funders which would later become the current Indiana Philanthropy Alliance. In his role as president of Lilly Endowment, Mutz oversaw the implementation of the Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow program which helped to stand up community foundations in all 92 Indiana counties. Indiana Philanthropy Alliance has partnered with Lilly Endowment to grow GIFT since inception. 

“I am honored to think that, a hundred years from now, this organization will celebrating, I don’t know how many grants and how much money, but I know they will still be imbued with the spirit of philanthropy,” said John Mutz. “That they will still recognize that voluntary organizations can change the world. As a matter of fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”

The Mutz Institute will train emerging leaders with a wide-range of experiences who seek to skill-up and improve their understanding of the practice of philanthropy. Participants may include foundation staff, corporate social responsibility professionals, foundation and nonprofit board members, emerging family foundation members, nonprofit professionals and individual philanthropists and donors.

Visit www.inphilanthropy.org/MutzInstitute for more information.
Applications for the January 2021 inaugural class will be due October 30, 2020. 


About John M. Mutz

Born in Indianapolis, John M. Mutz is a graduate of Northwestern University, where he earned both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in advertising and business management. He had a long career in business, including managing a chain of restaurants and serving as president of PSI Energy (now Duke Energy). Elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 1967 and to the state Senate in 1970, he was instrumental in introducing the set of legislative reforms that came to be known as Unigov, the creation of IUPUI and the White River Park Commission, among others. From 1980-1988, he served as the 45th Lieutenant Governor, serving under Governor Robert D. Orr. Mutz later served as president of Lilly Endowment Inc. and chairman of the Lumina Foundation board of directors. 

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