IPA Blog

IPA Blog
Does Your Grant Reporting Make Sense?
October 26, 2016
IPA Blog
K21 Tower Gardens Help Students Learn to Grow
October 03, 2016
IPA Blog
The Three P's of Effective Philanthropy
September 30, 2016
IPA Blog
Timely Nature of Impact Investing: The Pine Lake Project
September 29, 2016
IPA Blog
Are generous families and their advisors prepared for the future?
August 26, 2016
IPA Blog
Impact Investing: Making a Difference While Making a Return
July 31, 2016
IPA Blog
Retrofitting Historic Structures to Support Lifelong Communities
July 12, 2016
IPA Blog
Introducing Ramp Up Indiana
July 06, 2016
IPA Blog
The Farmer and Adele: A Tribute to Helen Monroe
June 20, 2016
IPA Blog
Mass Shooting in Orlando: Resources and Networks for Action
June 14, 2016
