IPA Blog

IPA Blog
The Cross-Cultural Voice of Change
August 01, 2017
IPA Blog
Your Board Reflects You: Succession Planning for Nonprofit Boards and Leadership
July 26, 2017
IPA Blog
Engaging Experiences – Tell the Story!
June 29, 2017
IPA Blog
Democratic Youth Philanthropy: The power of youth voice at the decision-making table
June 05, 2017
IPA Blog
To improve impact results, start with a community scan
May 31, 2017
IPA Blog
Hello, Anyone There? Why Isn’t Anyone Listening??
May 24, 2017
IPA Blog
Better Together: Youth Philanthropy Summit
April 27, 2017
IPA Blog
Promise Indiana activates local communities to help kids save
April 10, 2017
IPA Blog
2017 YPII/YPC Youth Philanthropy Webinar Series
March 31, 2017
IPA Blog
What’s the big deal about Pay for Success or Social Impact Bonds?
March 31, 2017
