Welcome to the field of Indiana Community Foundations! The Indiana community foundation field is characterized by strong collegial relationships, a network of support and resources not available in other states.
Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) is an initiative of IPA and Lilly Endowment Inc., which has supported the development of a community foundation in each of Indiana's 92 counties. The GIFT Technical Assistance Program is a signature program of Indiana Philanthropy Alliance.
The GIFT team offers technical support, professional development and educational opportunities to board and staff members on all aspects of leading a community foundation. We are here to serve Indiana community foundations, and we do this in many ways. This page provides an overview of our services and resources available.
Amy Haacker, VP Community Foundation Programs
ahaacker@inphilanthropy.org | (317) 630-5200 ext. 114
JoAnna Ness, Director of GIFT Programming
jness@inphilanthropy.org | (317) 630-5200 ext. 115
Lauren Daeger, GIFT Program Coordinator
ldaeger@inphilanthropy.org | (317) 630-5200 ext. 129
Alisa Winter, GIFT Technical Assistance Advisor
askalisa@inphilanthropy.org | (317) 630-5200 ext. 100